Tracking In-Store Traffic

Mobile geofencing has offered retailers the ability to target smartphones using a geofence and place offers in tagged smartphones. If a user clicks on the retailer’s ad their ID would be placed in a retargeting folder for a future campaign. The KPI has been clicking thru rate. The higher the click rate the more successful the campaign.

If you compare mobile advertising to newspaper, radio and out of home advertising the better outlet is clearly mobile. The three traditional outlets depend on collecting a huge amount of impression and hoping that the client’s demographic is in the mix. With mobile offering geotargeting, targeting by day and time, demographic and behavior targeting and being cheaper, the argument that mobile is a better media outlet is solid.

Recently retail accounts have been pushing for in-store traffic reporting. Changing the KPI to CPV (cost per visit). Programs like TrafficDrive (Copley Advertising) along with programs from NinthDecimal, Push Spring and have the capability to track tagged smartphones back to the retail location.

Copley Advertising’s TrafficDrive program is unique. Copley Advertising will geofence retailer’s location. Tag smartphones in the geofence. The user doesn’t have to click on the ad. Once the user sees the ad the phone is retagged. Copley Advertising transforms the retailer into a Conversion Center. When then retagged user enters the Conversion Center their ID is counted. Copley Advertising can create a report showing store traffic directly generated by the mobile campaign.

The power of mobile continues to grow and the demands by clients are helping mobile DSPs to create programs to meet expectations. The great news is that mobile will continue to rise and meet different benchmarks for different sectors.

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